Underage (Bildband)

Om Phanphiroj


An Award-Winning Photo Documentary of Young Male Prostitutes in Thailand

  • Gebundene Ausgabe: 112 Seiten
  • Verlag: Bruno Gmünder; Auflage: 1. (1. April 2017)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3959852509
  • ISBN-13: 978-3959852500
  • Größe und/oder Gewicht: 27,4 x 1,8 x 28,4 cm
  • Preis: 69,99 Euro

Underage is an award-winning photographic documentation aimed at understanding the minds of underage male prostitutes in Thailand in a most candid and visceral way. Photographer Ohm Phanphiroj uncovers the life, choice, and consequences that these young boys are experiencing. Underage prostitution results from several reasons, from being molested by family members and/or relatives, poverty, being a runaway, and drug addiction. Underage has been exhibited worldwide, among others at Newspace Center for Photography (2011), Sommerblut International Art Festival (2011), Noordelicht Photo Festival (2012), The Kinsey Institute (2013), Tally Beck Contemporary (2014), Miami Art Festival (2014), and Documentary Arts Asia (2014). The photographic project received multiple awards, i.e. Lightwork (2012), Newspace Center for Photography (2012), Documentary Arts Asia (2014), Columbia College fellowship (2015), Noor-Nikon (2015), Society for Photographic Education (2015).


At first one does not want to look ... but then one cannot look away. Imposing no judgment, Ohm has captured these boys souls. These are photographs that are as seductive as they are tragic, as sensual as they are disturbing. His poetic eye has taken us to a very dark place, and has shown us that even in hell there is a kind of beauty. (S. P. Somtow, award-winning writer and composer)

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Eight years after his critically-acclaimed NIGHTHAWKS, Ohm Phanphiroj returns with THE SPACE BETWEEN US, a limited edition (1000 copies) photo-memoir from new publishing label Portfolio 1000. A photo-journalistic journey of his life and the men hes encountered - some intimate, some casual, some shameful - SPACE explores that strange side effect of human interaction: The more we try to get close to someone, the more distance we feel between us.


(Ersteinstellung am 18. April 2017 - aktualisiert am 21. April 2017)

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