Positive Erinnerungen (T. Rivas)

T. Rivas
Positive Memories
Ausgabe: 1stEdition
Herausgeber: www.ipce.info
Herausgegeben: 2. April 2013
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 254
Einband: Paperback mit Klebebindung
Innendruckfarbe: Schwarzweiß
Gewicht: 0,77 kg
Abmessungen(Zentimeter): 13,97 breit x 21,59 hoch
ISBN/EAN 978-90-815403-1-5
There are a considerable number of cases in which a so-called ‘pedophile’ relationship between a child and an adult is remembered as consensual, positive and psychologically harmless by the former child. Due to contemporary taboos, it is very difficult to give such cases the attention they deserve as a mostly ignored part of reality.

In Positive Memories, author T. Rivas describes 118 cases of such relationships and 19 cases of loose contacts. Rivas demonstrates that there really exist voluntary and harmless erotic and platonic relationships and encounters between minors and adults. In his view, relationships should be judged on their individual merits rather than the sex or age of a child. Entirely voluntary relationships and sexual abuse are two distinct categories. Also, affectionate relationships cannot be reduced to sex.

The author discusses ethical criteria, the role of parents or caretakers, and the importance of information. He addresses common objections and stresses that personal experiences should take prevalence over prejudices and caricatures. 

Positive Erinnerungen - Fälle von positiven Erinnerungen an erotische und platonische Beziehungen und Kontakte von Minderjährigen mit Erwachsenen gesehen aus der Perspektive des früher Jüngeren. Übersetzung: Filip Schuster; Ipce, 2014-2017

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(Ersteinstellung am 4. Mai 2013 - aktualisiert am 28. März 2018)

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