(Update) +++ Internationale Online-Umfrage der Universität Nottingham/Großbritannien für eine Studie zum Thema Pädophilie/Pädosexuelle +++

Dozentinnen der Fakultät für Psychologie Geogina McLocklin & Rebecca Lievesley: "Wir suchen erwachsene Pädophile, die sich zu Kindern hingezogen fühlen und unsere Fragen beantworten möchten, um das Stigma zu reduzieren"

Die Nottingham Trent University führt eine Studie zum Thema der Pädophilie durch und hat dazu eine Online-Umfrage an Pädophile ins Internet gestellt. Die Beantwortung der englisch-sprachigen Fragen dauert circa 15 Minuten. Die Umfrage war bereits auf der Webseite des Projektes "VirPed" verfügbar gewesen. Die zwei Dozentinnen möchten jedoch noch mehr Teilnehmer gewinnen. Jeder Pädophile/Pädosexuelle weltweit kann daran teilnehmen. Damit dürfte die Studie zu den größten Untersuchungen in Europa werden. Die Studie befragt Boylover & Girllover über ihre Erfahrungen, Eigenschaften und Wohlbefinden. Die Umfrage zielt darauf ab, welche Merkmale bei Pädophilen vorhanden sind, die sich zu Kindern hingezogen fühlen. Das Stigma und die Vorurteile sollen reduziert werden. Das Ergebnis der Studie wird nach Abschluss der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Die Online-Umfrage wurde am 12. Dezember 2017 geschlossen, aber wird nun fortgesetzt. K13online steht mit den zwei Dozentinnen der Fakultät für Psychologie Geogina McLocklin & Rebecca Lievesley in Kontakt, und  wir werden bei Beendigung der Umfrage einen Zwischenbericht erhalten, den wir dann umgehend publizieren werden. Wir rufen die deutsch-sprachige und internationale Pädophilenszene zur Teilnahme an der Studie auf..(Update 25. Juni 2018: Kurzer Zwischenbericht der Umfrage verfügbar. Update 23. August 2018: Die Umfrage zur Studie soll noch bis Ende Oktober verfügbar sein. Dieses News wird jedoch in etwa einer Woche ins Archiv verschoben.)




About the research

This research is being conducted by Nottingham Trent University. The aim of the research is to gain a greater understanding into the experiences, characteristics and support available for adults who are sexually attracted to children.


Anonymity and Confidentiality

Participation in this research is optional; you do not have to take part. If you do choose to take part all responses are anonymous and confidential. IP addresses are not stored so your responses cannot be traced back to you. The responses you give will not be used individually for the study but will be pooled together to be analysed. You can choose to stop the survey at any point if you no longer wish to take part. To do this just exit the survey at any point and your data will not be saved. You can also choose to withdraw your responses after completing the survey. In order to do this you must contact one of the researchers with the unique identifier that you choose at the beginning of the survey. It is important that you remember this unique identifier or note it down.  


What will happen if I take part?

If you choose to take part you will complete a questionnaire that can take between 15-30 minutes. This questionnaire will largely involve multiple choice questions and cover a range of topics some of which may be sensitive in nature. These topics will include asking you about your sexuality, your early sexual experiences, your wellbeing and any previous crimes committed. There is a question regarding sexual abuse, a question about self-harm and a question about attempted suicide. These questions are multiple choice and no detail is required. Please bear this in mind before taking part. You can choose not to answer questions if you do not feel comfortable doing so however, we encourage you to be honest and answer as much as possible.  


Benefits of taking part

Although this research is unlikely to directly or immediately benefit you the research hopes to increase awareness and understanding that not all individuals who are sexually attracted to children go on to sexually abuse children. This research also hopes to highlight how to best support those who have a sexual interest in children. Additionally, by understanding those who do not offend, we may be able to better help those who have offended and help prevent others from offending. 


Are there any risks?

Due to the nature of the survey sensitive topics will be asked (please see above). Some of these questions may be difficult for you to answer or may raise issues you’d like to discuss further. At the end of the survey further contact information will be provided for support in case you need it. 

Although you are asked if you have any criminal convictions this is a multiple-choice question with no details required. However, if you did inform us in any other part of the survey that you had committed a crime that you had not been charged with we would have to pass this information on.


Has this research been approved?

This research has been approved by Nottingham Trent University Ethics Committee. 

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