As an opinion-maker and activist I fight for the freedom of speech and human rights, for young and old. I do this primarily by writing texts (from short emails to extensive documents), participating in public debates, and giving interviews (locally, nationally and internationally). You can find publications of mine on paper and on websites, for instance in GroenLinks Magazine, Metro,, SP!TS, Honestum, at ThePostOnline, GeenStijl, and so on. In my capacity as board member of both the (unconstitutionally banned) association MARTIJN and the (disbanded) political party PNVD I have talked with the BBC, 2Vandaag, RAI, NTV, Le Figaro, REFORMA, Newsweek Russia, and so on. Additionally, I have been working on a wiki about pedophilia and child sexuality for many years.
Internationales Aktivisten-Treffen in den Niederlanden zu Weihnachten 2016
(Marthijn Uittenbogaard) (Dieter Gieseking/K13online)
Ein Besuch wird empfohlen!!!